Welcome to Microsoft’s definitive surrender on smartphones

In May 2017 Satya Nadella made a revealing comment. “Our next phones won’t look like phones,” he said, opening the door to a return to a field in which they had failed completely with Windows Phone and that Windows 10 also tried to conquer our smartphones. It did not succeed on that occasion either, so

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Microsoft says everyone is switching, and no one is believing it

On certain ocassions, lately more often than not, we found clickbait on sites that we respected and trusted. Someone from those sites says something and we should believe it. The problem is, we shouldn’t. It’s dissappointing to see that mostly everyone has took the bait with the Microsoft post about its wonderful year with its

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Windows 10 on ARM could (should) be a game changer for Microsoft

Windows RT, the version of Windows with native support for ARM processors, failed miserably due to lack of support by developers. Other recent efforts to conquest the mobile space also came to nothing: Project Islandwood and Astoria (port iOS and Android apps to Windows) didn’t get the interest they requested, and it seemed that every

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Yoga Book: Going beyond the tablet

The guys at The Verge have done a fine job by discussing how the new Lenovo Yoga Book came to life. This is a hardware device that, as Nilay Patel has said over at Twitter, is the first fascinating one in a long time. The new and impressive Instant Halo Keyboard won’t be perfect for many

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The Chromebook question

I’m currently on vacation so I’ll write less often. I’ll keep reading what’s going on thanks to Twitter and my smartphone, and yesterday I found an interesting article titled ‘Why I left my new MacBook for a $250 Chromebook‘. There are a few good arguments there to defend a platform that previously wasn’t that easy

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Windows 10 is the annoying boyfriend nobody wants

Windows 10 is a great operating system. It has great features and it’s an ambitious bet for convergence and platform unification. The problem is that once again Microsoft has had big trouble selling its product. The message was neither clear nor complete. The user was the girl wanting to be conquered. Windows 10 was the aspiring boyfriend.

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Huawei challenges Android with a backup plan

Amir Efrati on The Information: And to hedge its bets against Google’s control of Android, Huawei is also secretly developing an alternative mobile operating system, according to three people briefed about the project. Android forks do exist, but not all companies can offer a compelling alternative. The problem lies in Android Apps and Services: although

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The Xbox One will focus on games, and that’s a good thing

When Microsoft launched the Xbox One it made it in two different keynotes: one devoted to TV and video content, and the second one devoted to games. This console was meant to conquer our sitting room and be our entertainment hub, but users spoke: they just wanted games, and that’s what ultimately made the PS4

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Microsoft’s ‘mixed reality’ sounds like a confusing plan B

Terry Myerson at Computex 2016: Today, we announced that Windows Holographic is coming to devices of all shapes and sizes from fully immersive virtual reality to fully untethered holographic computing. Today we invited our OEM, ODM, and hardware partners to build PCs, displays, accessories and mixed reality devices with the Windows Holographic platform. It’s good

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