Google Glass is back, but nothing is really different

When Google Glass was launched in April 2012 almost everyone got excited. Augmented Reality was the star of the hype cycle back then, and the possibilities for the device seemed endless.  Three years later the product collapsed. Privacy and security issues proved to be too important both for Google and users, which became less and

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Dell buys EMC, a new IBM is born

  Dell has paid a staggering $67 billion for EMC, an enterprise storage solutions provider (oh, and that VMware thing). That could sound nice in the regular newspaper, but the deal is a little weird both for end users and for enterprise users. End users don’t really know that Dell has been playing a prominent

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Beware of the fake review

We spent less than $100 to give a completely fake business a great online reputation. Fantastic history. One you can easily learn something from. You can’t be certain anymore about that business or that product based on online reviews. Creating fake alternatives and getting certain reputation for them is nowadays quite easy. As with many

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